Visual Art 1 Course Syllabus

Visual Art 1
Amanda Domingues                                                                                      Visual Art 1 2017-2018                                                                                       Monday-Friday
805-687-0761 Ext. 3545                                                                                                      7th Period
Office Hours: 9am-9:45am, 3:20pm-4pm                                                                                         

COURSE DESCRIPTION:  This yearlong fundamental art class for 7th and 8th grade students introduces art theory and practice, elements of art, and principles of design as you produce a variety of two and three-dimensional art forms and media such as drawing, painting, graphic design, as well as an introduction to art history, art appreciation and careers in art. Students will explore and develop their personal creativity, problem solving skills and confidence as they learn about art.

OBJECTIVES: As a result of this course, you will be able to:
·      Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
·      Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
·      Refine and complete artistic work.
·      Analyze, interpret, and select artistic work for presentation.
·      Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work. 
·      Perceive and analyze artistic work.
·      Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.
·      Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.
·      Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experience to make art.
·      Relate artistic ideas and work with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding.

·      Arrive on time As a member of this class, you need to be in your seat and ready to learn when the bell rings. If you are not in your seat at the bell, you will either be marked tardy or absent. 
·      If you are absent, check with a friend, NEO, or Mrs. Domingues for work.  All make-up work is due within the same number of days as absences. 
·      Come to class prepared with materials: pencil, paper, sketchbook, and positive attitude. 

·      Email me anytime with questions or concerns.  I will do my best to keep our NEO class updated. 

·      NO cell phones; must be turned off and stored in backpacks. 
·      iPads allowed only when instructed to use devices in the classroom.  We will be using iPads in the classroom for searching artists, art movements, looking for images of inspiration, or working on assignments.

·      No food or drink in the classroom. 
·      No chewing gum.

·      Accommodations to fit the learning needs of the students will be made accordingly. 

GRADING: To determine your final grade in the course, I will calculate your percentage by dividing your total earned points by the total points possible. These will be converted to letter grades as follows:

93-100% = A      84-92% = B      75-83% = C      65-74% = D      < 65% = F

Projects/Assignments/Presentations: 70%
·      This includes art projects and assignments, written assignments, and presentations of artwork.   

Homework/Classwork: 10%
·      I plan on not giving student homework.  I understand they will have homework from their CORE classes and responsibilities outside of school as well.  This portion of the grade will focus on their classwork such as sketchbook activities and beginning of class exercises (bell ringers). 
·      Students will be graded on their efforts and participation in class. 
·      Participation with class discussions and positive class critiques. 

Tests/Quizzes: 10%
·      Students will be graded on tests/quizzes given in class. 

Grades are earned by the students, not given by the teacher.
·      Each unit will be assigned a letter grade from points that you earn.  Rubrics will be used for student self-assessment as well as instructor assessment.
·      Grades are EARNED by the student, not given by the teacher.
·      Grading will mostly be based on effort, time, thought, and care put into an assignment.
·      I will be looking for: creativity, expanding ideas, developing ideas, engaging, hard-working, and expressive artwork.

Assignments will be turned in at the beginning of class on the due date.  We will have classroom critiques of everyone’s assignments.   
Late work will result in a lower grade; 10% will be deducted from the grade.  No late work will be accepted a week after the due date.  
If you are asked to redo an assignment to further develop ideas or skills, the artwork is due within a week.
When doing written assignments, please cite any of your references and do not copy other people’s written work, students, books, or online resources.  If students claim written material or images as their own, their assignment grade will be lowered. 
Be safe: no running in the classroom, push in your chairs
Be respectful: to the teacher, to peers, to the classroom, to the materials, supplies, and equipment, always give your best effort and TRY. 
Be responsible: show up to class on time and prepared, turn in assignments on time, use class time wisely, be productive, clean up your creative area before dismissal, raise hand-don’t blurt out answers, follow directions.
Be kind: have a positive, supportive, patient, and helpful attitude in class.  Encourage and motivate your classmates to create. 
Students are expected to work hard and try their best on every assignment.
Students must come to class on time and be prepared with the necessary supplies, work assigned, and a respectful attitude towards others. 
If a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to find out what was missed at an appropriate time.
Students are expected to demonstrate behavior that is safe, respectful, and responsible. 


For misbehavior begin with a warning, followed by his/her name on the board and detention(s) if necessary.  Certain expectations are considered “standard warnings,” therefore the consequence of name on the board or detention may be given immediately (ex: chewing gum).
Positive reinforcement of outstanding behavior, work ethic, and citizenship will be rewarded with various earned privileges and opportunities.
I am here to support students in as many ways as I can.  If a student needs extra support with an assignment or access to technology, we can arrange time to meet.

The school has enforced hallway passes for using the bathroom and going to the office.  However, it is disruptive when students leave during class time to use the restroom.  Please use the restroom in between classes, at nutrition break, and during lunch. 
The teacher will dismiss the student from class, not the bell.  Students will need to clean up their creative work area, help others clean when needed, and push in their chairs before leaving the classroom. 


Deadlines for all assignments are listed in the course calendar at the end of this syllabus.

Sketchbook........................................................................................................................ 25 points
Students will create and design their class sketchbook.

Zen Doodle......................................................................................................................... 25 points
Students will learn about elements of art with Zen Doodle drawing.

Color Wheel Unit Projects........................................................................................ 25 points each
3-D color wheel
Color Swatch Match
Color Wheel within an image

Drawing Unit Projects............................................................................................... 25 points each
Charcoal drawing: contrasting organic shapes
Pencil Drawing
Pastel Drawing 

Latin Art Unit............................................................................................................ 25 points each
Mexican Mirror
Sugar Skull Mask

Native American Unit................................................................................................ 25 points each
Finger Looming
Paper Weaving
Bowl Weaving
Cardboard Weaving

Seasonal Artwork: Winter.................................................................................................. 25 points
Winter themed Aspen painting

Asian Art Unit............................................................................................................ 20 points each
Scroll painting
Origami Kimono

African Art Unit.......................................................................................................... 25 points each
African Mask
Kente Cloth
Rain Stick
Story Quilt

Ancient Art Unit......................................................................................................... 25 points each
Cave painting
Egyptian hieroglyphic
Greek architecture study
Gothic “stained glass”

Renaissance Art Unit.......................................................................................................... 50 points
“Fresco” portrait 

19th Century Art History Unit............................................................................................. 50 points
Landscape painting or drawing inspired by 19th century art/artists

20th Century Art History Unit............................................................................................. 50 points
Drawing or painting inspired by 20th century art/artists 

Ceramics............................................................................................................................. 25 points
Air dry clay projects: mug, vase, bowl, pinch pots, and/or mythical creature

Final Project: Digital Portfolio.......................................................................................... 200 points
Keynote or iMovie slideshow of images taken throughout the school year of art projects.      

Total                                                                                                                                1,150 points

Lesson Plan
Lesson Goals
Unit 1:
Week 1
Week 2
Policies, Expectations, Routines
Introductions, course syllabus, course outline, intro letters, student surveys, my life in apps, easy projects.
Assignment: Sketchbooks
Decorate cover of sketchbook
Graffiti names
Notify students to keep all assignments as we are assembling a portfolio at the end of the class. 
Students will introduce themselves to me and the class. 
Students will be introduced to course outline, behavior and academic expectations.
Unit 2:
Review Elements of Art, Principles of Design

Week 3
Week 4
*No school 9/4 Labor Day
Elements of Art and Principles of Design
Quiz on EoA and PoD

Assignment: Zen Doodle/Op Art, pencil with sharpie.  Print mounted on black construction paper.  Class critique of peer artwork.
Writing warm-ups: looking at elements of design, principles of design for 3-2-1. 
Students will learn the elements of art and principles of design terminology/vocabulary, learn how to recognize them in works of art and their own work of art, and create a zen doodle using elements of art and principles of design.  
Unit 3:
Color Theory
Week 5
Week 6
Color Theory
Color Wheel
Assignment: Mixing colors: primary, secondary, tertiary, analogous, monochrome, value, hue, tint, shade, contrast, complementary
Activity: mix paint to create basic color wheel.  Mix paint to assemble 3-D color wheel sphere.
Quiz on color theory
Writing warm-ups:
Examining color theory, 3-2-1 think, pair, share
•3-D color wheel
•color wheel incorporated in image
•Color match from color swatch

Students will learn color theory, mixing colors, and color theory vocabulary.
Students will create a color wheel and apply color mixing knowledge to create a color wheel and 3-D color wheel sphere. 
Collaborate with partners.
Unit 4:
Drawing Unit
Pencils, charcoal, pastel
Week 7
Week 8
Shape/Form study
Assignment: Charcoal study of simple organic shapes studying light and shadow
•Charcoal Drawing
•Drawing with pencil techniques
•Pastel technique
Projects can be fall/autumn themed
Fall/Autumn Themed
Painting autumn leave (similar to bell pepper painting).  Monochromatic/analogous background with fall colors and leaves.
Examining size, texture, and color. 
Writing warm-ups:
Fall themed 3-2-1
Showcase of student work 10/20
•Texture rubbing of leaves
• acrylic or watercolor of fall leaves

Students will learn and understand shape and form with contrast and lighting.  Students will learn to work with charcoal.  
Students will create a painting using acrylic paint of fall leaves. 
Students will study shape, size, color, and texture to create a, autumn themed painting. 
Unit 5:
Cultural Unit:
Latin Art History:
Meso America art history: Aztec, Diego Rivera: murals, Frida Kahlo: meaningful portraits, Dia de los Muertos: sugar skulls, Mexican mirrors
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11

*No school 10/30 for students
Holiday themed study: Halloween and Dia de Los Muertos.
Writing warm-ups: Dia de Los Muertos, 3-2-1, Frida Kahlo
Showcase of student work 11/3
•Mexican Mirrors: aluminum foil
•Sugar skulls with aluminum foil
Possible: Design items for Haunted Hallways
 Students will create art focusing on holiday theme.
Students will connect cultural elements to their art work: Dia de Los Muertos study. 
Unit 6:
Cultural Unit:
Native American Art History
Week 12
Week 13
*No school 11/10
Textile themed
Looming, weaving
Native American focus
Start with finger looming
Cardboard weaving
Bowl Weaving
Showcase student work 11/17
•Bowl weaving
•Finger weaving
•Cup weaving
•Dream catcher weaving

Students will learn to work with textiles: looming and weaving using fingers, cardboard, and bowls.
Students will learn about textiles, looming and weaving from examples of Native American examples.  
Unit 7:
Graphic Design
Week 14
Week 15
*No School 11/20-11/24
Graphic design unit: learning about fonts and color impact on design and advertising.
Examine advertisements, movie posters, book covers
Assignments: students will design a movie poster or book cover of their choice: using iPads to design.  

Students will learn about graphic design and the impact that fonts and color have on consumers.  Students will recreate a movie poster or book cover of their choice, digital artwork. 
Unit 8:
Seasonal Artwork
Week 16

*Winter break: 12/18-1/1
Winter themed art projects:
Snowflakes, winter landscape, Aspen tree painting
Acrylic or tempera paint or watercolor

Students will create winter themed drawings and paintings. 
Unit 9:
Week 17
Week 18
Week 19
Week 20
Asian Art History Month
Month of January

*No school 1/1
*No school 1/15 MLK Jr day
Students will learn about Asian art history and create art inspired by Asian art. 
Calligraphy, lanterns, scroll paintings, dragons, origami kimono, and mandalas. 
Students will learn about Asian art history and create art inspired by Asian art. 
Unit 10:
African Art History Month
Week 21
Week 22
Week 23
Week 24

*No school 2/16
*No school 2/19
Students will learn about African art during African History Month.

African masks, kente cloth, rain sticks, collaborative story quilt: Faith Ringgold.
Students will learn about African art during African History Month.

Unit 11:
Ancient Art History Study:
Ancient Art: cave paintings
Egyptian art
Greek art
Gothic architecture
Week 25
Week 26

Students will be introduced to ancient art history and create art work inspired by ancient art.

Cave painting,
Egyptian hieroglyphic
Greek art: vases, paintings, and architecture
Gothic Art: stained glass
Students will be introduced to ancient art history and create art work inspired by ancient art.

Unit 12:
Renaissance Art History
Week 27
Week 28
Week 29
*Spring Break 3/26-4/2, no school

Students will learn about Renaissance art history movement and artists.
Looking at the art work of Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Rafael, Donatello, Botticelli

Create artwork inspired by the Renaissance artists and art movement.
Paints, portraits, “Fresco”: painting on plaster. 
Students will learn about Renaissance art history movement and artists.
Looking at the art work of Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Rafael, Donatello, Botticelli.
Create artwork inspired by the Renaissance artists and art movement.

Unit 13:
19th Century Art
Week 30
Week 31
Week 32

Students will learn about the 19th century artists and art movements.  Topics include: Romanticism, Hudson River School, Impressionism, Post Impressionism.
Create landscape drawing or painting inspired by 19th century artists or art movement. 
Students will learn about the 19th century artists and art movements.  Topics include: Romanticism, Hudson River School, Impressionism, Post Impressionism.

Unit 14:
20th Century Art
Week 33
Week 34
Week 35

Students will be introduced to the artists and art movements of the 20th century.  We will briefly examine Cubism, Surrealism, Abstract, Pop Art, and Color Field art. 
Create a drawing or painting inspired by the art or art movements from the 20th century. 
Students will be introduced to the artists and art movements of the 20th century.  We will briefly examine Cubism, Surrealism, Abstract, Pop Art, and Color Field art. 

Unit 15:
And Final Project
Week 36
Week 37
Week 38

*No school 5/28
*Last Day of school 6/7
Students will learn about ceramics and work on their final project: digital portfolio. 

Students will be creating pinch pots, bowls, vases, and mythical creatures working with air dry clay. 
Students will be creating a digital portfolio of their artwork from the entire school year.  Stay on top of this as we complete assignments.  Take images of your final projects with your iPads.  Create an image slideshow using iMovie or Keynote of your assignments. 
Students will learn about ceramics and work on their final project: digital portfolio. 

Grading Rubric Example:
Developing skills at grade level.
I produce high quality, creative work.
I produce quality work.
I produce acceptable work.
I produce work of inconsistent quality.
I produce NO work or very poor quality.
Understanding and application of art concepts.
I apply all concepts, especially those stressed for the project.
I make an effort to apply skills especially those stressed for the project.
I apply some of the skills expected for the project.
I rarely apply the expected skills for the project.
I DO NOT apply the expected skills for the project.
Class Critiques
I always participate in class and always use my time well.
I usually participate in class and usually use my time well. 
I sometimes participate in class and sometimes use my time well. 
I very rarely participate in class and very rarely use my time well.
I DO NOT participate in class and DO NOT use my time well.
Use of Materials
I used materials appropriately with no reminders.
I used materials appropriately with little reminders.
I needed some reminding on proper material use. 
I needed a lot of reminding on proper use of materials.
I used materials and tools inappropriately and foolishly.
I always follow all classroom rules and never cause a classroom disruption.
I usually follow all classroom rules and very rarely cause a classroom disturbance. 
I follow some classroom rules and occasionally cause a classroom disturbance.
I very rarely follow classroom rules and sometimes cause a classroom disturbance. 
I usually DO NOT follow classroom rules and FREQUENTLY cause a classroom disturbance. 

Another rubric example:
Project/Theme/Unit:                                                                                      Date:
For Sure!
Evidence of going beyond the Learning Objective:
Learning Objective
Not Yet…
Evidence of not quite reaching the Learning Objective

Developing Craft:
The methods or tools I used were chosen carefully.

Develop Craft:
I applied new methods/techniques as well as made connections to other artwork/experiences.

Engage and Persist:
I challenged myself to not let my art making problems hinder my work too much.

Engage and Persist:
I developed a focus within my work.

I considered and tried out a few new ideas before and during my art making. 


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