
9/14/17, Thursday:
Zen Doodle and Op Art assignments are due.  Classroom discussion/critique on Friday 9/15/17.

9/8/17, Friday
Quiz on Elements of Art and Principles of Design
Elements of Art and Principles of Design foldables due

9/4/17, Friday:
Hi Everyone,
I have been busy grading all the work that you have done so far in this class. I am missing some student surveys, some sketchbooks, and some letters on introductions. Please get those in to me as soon as possible to stay off the "Missing Work" list. These next few weeks we will be looking at the Elements of Art and Principles of Design. We will create foldables with the terms and definitions to help us study for the quiz. We will create a Zen Doodle/Zen Tangle that goes with the Elements of Art and Principles of Design. We will also work on an Opt Art assignment to go with learning about the Elements of Art and Principles of Design. We will be doing a class discussion with the outcome of everyone's Zen Doodle and Opt Art assignments.
Hope you are enjoying your weekend. Stay cool and hydrated! Contact me anytime with questions or concerns.
Mrs. D 

Assignments that are due Friday, September 1, 2017
Letter of Introduction
Sketchbook: decorating the outside of your art class sketchbook. 

Please keep checking in for course announcements on assignments, quizzes and due dates.


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