
Op Art

This week, we will have the Zen Doodle, the foldables about Elements of Art and Principles of Design, a QUIZ about these terms and create an Opt Art. Op art is optical illusion art.  This art assignment focuses on the elements of art and principles of design of line, contrast, shape, pattern and rhythm. We will finish our Zen Doodles and Op Art assignments on Thursday, September 14.  We will have a classroom discussion on everyone's artwork on Friday, September 15. Here are some examples:

Zen Doodle Assignment

We will be creating a Zen Doodle using the elements of art and principles of design that we will be learning this week with creating our foldable study guides. Here are some examples.  We will be drawing the Zen Doodles on white drawing paper.  You can start sketching ideas in your sketchbook.  You can start by drawing your designs in pencil and then going over your design with a fine tip black marker.  This assignment focuses on the use of line, pattern, rhythm, and contrast. This assignment is due Thursday, September 14 at the end of class.  We will have a class discussion of everyone's projects on Friday, September 15. Here's a PowerPoint Presentation with videos and images with step-by-step instruction... Here is a a description of the assignment with some examples... Some Zen Doodle image examples:

Elements of Art and Principles of Design Assignment

Create a foldable for the Elements of Art listed below. Fold your piece of paper long ways into thirds.  Use a ruler to mark areas to cut slits in paper for each element of art.  When the foldable is closed is should show a title for each element of art.  When you open the tabs, write the definition of the element of art inside the area.  This will be helpful for our Elements of Art and Principles of Design QUIZ.  Elements of art are the ingredients to create art. Line: A line is a path made by a moving point through space. It is one-dimensional and can vary in width, direction, and length. Shape: Shapes are flat, enclosed areas that are two-dimensional (length and height). Artists use both geometric and organic shapes. Color: Color is perceived by the way light reflects off a surface. There are three properties of color: hue (color name), intensity (strength/purity), and value (lightness and darkness). Value: Value describes the lightness o

Visual Art 1 Course

Welcome to Visual Art 1 Course Welcome to 7th Period Visual Art Class! In this course we will be learning about the elements of art and principles of design.  We will learn about art history and cultural art units and applying what we learn to create artwork inspired by those topics.  We will work with drawing (charcoal, pencil, colored pencils, markers), painting (watercolor and tempera), graphic design, ceramics, textiles, and color theory. Please check this class often for updates and assignment information. Contact me for questions or concerns.